Saturday, February 12, 2011


I really liked the classes when we talked about accessibility.  Most people don't even think much about this topic, but it is something that is really important these days.  Most people seem to put this at the bottom of the list of important things, but to the people it effects, it's at the absolute top of the list.  If someone can't get into buildings because there's no ramps, or if someone can't use their hands anymore because of an accident,  there lives are greatly effected.  As designers, we need to look more into this issue than just ramps into buildings, and simple wheelchairs.  We need to be developing and using new technology to make the lives easier for people who are physically or mentally handicapped.  I really love the video we saw during class about the electric wheelchair that allowed such great access and versatility to people confined to getting around in a wheelchair.

Even though this video has really poor quality, it shows some new technology that would allow blind people to use the iPhone 4.  Even though some people would consider it unnecessary, it could allow many people to use the great technology of the iPhone, even if they can't see the screen.  It would normally be almost impossible for a blind person to use a touch screen phone, but with the brail and voice assist, this device would allow a whole new market for people who wouldn't have been able to use it before.

This video shows some technology and innovations that Europe is coming out with to help people with disabilities in their country.  Things like ramps on all buses and new school systems are allowing so much more access for people with disabilities.  When disabled people are integrated and mixed with non-disabled people, it allows them to feel more normal and "like everyone else" in their high schools.  This also allows non-disabled people to become more used to living with and helping people that aren't as fortunate as they are.

This video doesn't introduce any new technology or products, but it does relate very well to our class.  It shows architecture students who are directly placed into the shoes of people that they will eventually design buildings for.  The students are forced to learn first hand how hard navigating the world can be with a disability, and it allows them to realize what they need to do in order to design buildings for all people.

If I were in a wheelchair, I would want one of these motorcycles really badly.  This motorcycle allows people in wheelchairs to bring their chair up into the motorcycle, fasten it in, and ride the open  road like any other motorcycle rider.  Things like this are so vital in allowing people with disabilities to feel just like people who don't have any disabilities.

This is a video showing the e-motion motor assist for regular wheelchairs.  As an add-on to regular wheelchair, it is cheaper than a full electric wheelchair, and very simple to use.  The motors sense force being put on each wheel, and help turn the wheels, almost like power steering. This product would allow people to use wheelchairs will more control, and less fatigue over time.

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