Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Heskett 9-10

I really loved the parts of chapters 9 and 10 when Heskett talked about a great amount of companies and how they develop and maintain their company persona and image.  It's interesting to see how different companies have so many different ways of developing new products, and what their views on the importance of those products to the company are.  I also enjoyed when Heskett made the comment that large companies were once small companies with ambition.  All too often, people think that they'll never get anywhere in todays market because they're just "the little guy," but what they fail to think about is at one point, every company out there was some type of "the little guy."
I love to think about what the future holds in the design industry.  It's amazing how over that last few decades the world as we know it has changed in so many ways.  Sometimes I like to think about what new technology will be coming out within my lifetime, and how much easier or different our daily lives become.  We were once using horse and buggy to get from place to place, we're now using cars and airplanes, and I can't wait for the day when we all have personal hovercraft and helicopters.

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