Monday, January 31, 2011

McDonough Introduction

First off, I want to comment on the fact that the book is actually made out of something other than paper, something that really helps make the point of "remaking the way we make things." The fact that the book is  heavier and the pages feel more like plastic and are thicker than normal paper pages, came to my attention the first time I held, and flipped through the book.  I think it really gets the point across that we need to drastically rethink so many products that are on the market today because of how unsafe they are for us and the environment.  When McDonough explained so many products that have unsafe chemicals and how bad they are for us, it really made me stop and think about all the things we normally think of as simple and safe.  Even a simple wood chair that we normally assume wouldn't have any harsh chemicals in it, may contain different toxins in the paint, sealer, or even glue that helps hold it together.  I never realized that most of the "recycled" products that are being sold these days, really aren't even that much better for the environment.  Making carpet from recycled plastic bottles doesn't remove the plastic from the landfill completely, it just prolongs the time in which it will make the journey there.  The last couple sentences in the section is worded so simply, but it so true: "Nature doesn't have a design problem. People do." It's crazy to think that all the problems in the world and environment have been created by the human race.  Nature is pure and unharmful, yet we continue to pollute it every day.

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